FormFix Video Analysis

Submit videos of yourself performing exercises.

Get a full video analysis on your form and technique.

Kinda like a pro athlete.

Pay-per-exercise, up to 8 exercises.

VT Members: $15/exercise

Non-Members: $20/exercise

How It Works

  • Exercise Analysis FormFix Video Yourself


    Film yourself performing the exercises to be analyzed.

  • Exercise Analysis FormFix Upload Videos


    Upload your videos to my simple and secure upload form.

  • FormFix Demo On Laptop Squat Form


    Receive a recorded video response from me going over where your form can be corrected.

    You get to keep this video to reference anytime in the future!

  • 1-on-1 Virtual Fitness Zoom Call


    Schedule a 1-on-1 Zoom call to answer any further questions you may have.

    (Included if submitting 6+ exercises. Or purchase separately if submitting 5 or less.)

Access Anywhere

If in-person sessions are not possible for you, this is a great way to get your form dialed from a highly experienced professional.

Keep Forever

If you ever forget what I mentioned in the video, no worries. You get to download and keep the video for future reference!

Online Fitness Standing Knee Tuck

Privacy Maintained

Rest assured knowing your videos are private and only viewed by me to provide my feedback. Though you are welcome to share the video analysis wherever you please, I do not share these videos with anyone or on any social media platforms.

Check out some examples from real FormFix videos.

These clients agreed to have clips of their videos posted on my website. I do not normally post FormFix videos anywhere public, and if so, I will clearly request your approval prior to doing so.

FormFix Video Analysis FAQ

  • I aim to have your FormFix Video Analysis delivered to you within 1 week of you uploading your footage.

  • Your phone camera is all you need. It is recommended that you position yourself or the camera so that your whole body is in the frame and the best lighting is behind the camera facing you.

    I typically ask for 3 angles of the same exercise (front, side, and back) with 5 reps performed in each, if possible.

  • Only myself. Your videos are kept private. I do not share your videos with anyone nor do I post them anywhere on social networks.

    However, if you want to share your video with anyone or post your successful form of an exercise to your own social media, you are free to do so. Be proud and celebrate those successes!

  • YES! If you want to share your video with anyone or post your successful performance of an exercise to your own social media, you are free to share it anywhere you like.

    Be proud and celebrate those successes!

  • YUP! After I record my findings, I’ll send you a link to download so you can view it at your leisure.

  • Whatever you need it to be. We’ll have 30 min to go over anything I discussed in the FormFix, or anything else that might be on your mind related to your fitness.

    This Zoom call is not required, just merely available to you for 1-month following delivery of the FormFix.

  • It depends on how many different exercises you want analyzed. You can choose between 1, 4, or 8 exercise packages.

    View pricing